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Healthy computer usage

If you need to use the computer for long hours,always remember to stretch your wrists, neck and shoulders.

Wrist Stretches:

Place one arm forward with elbow straight (not bent), palms facing up, then gently / slowly bend the wrist downward while holding the fingers, only until you feel tension in the forearm and wrist area. Hold for 30 seconds, and then repeat with other arm.

Place one arm forward with elbow straight (not bent), palms facing down, then gently / slowly bend the wrist downward while holding the fingers, only until you feel tension in the forearm and wrist area. Hold for 30 seconds, and then repeat with other arm.

Neck and Shoulders:

Gently bend neck to the right or left so that the ear is near the same shoulder side. Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat with other side.

Then slowly rotate neck forward from shoulder to shoulder, never going beyond the shoulders on backwards. You can also gently hold the head while the neck is bent forward, by placing the hands on the back of the head there is going to be a stretch behind the neck. Hold for 30 seconds.

Another stretch for the body would be to turn right or left from the waist on upwards (waist, shoulders, neck), in the same direction, Hold for 30 seconds, then rotate the other side. While doing this focus your eyes in the same direction on something beyond arms' reach, this will force your eyes’ vision to adjust to a new distance and can help reduce sore eye problems.

For the shoulders, you can rotate them both backwards together 10 times.

A great combination stretch would be to inter-lace the fingers, with palms outwards behind the back while raising the hands upwards, then bending the neck forward (never backwards)!! This stretches the shoulders, wrists, and neck at the same time. Hold for 30 seconds.

Also, as an optional stretch you can raise one arm upwards to the sky and rotate back and forth, and then raise the other arm.

These stretches help prevent Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs).

Acupressure Points for Tired Eyes:

Close your eyes and place your thumbs on the inner edges of your eyebrows (where your eyebrows end in the center), and on the space in between (above) the eyes, and (below) the eyebrows. Rotate outwardly (clockwise for your right side, counter clockwise for your left).

This helps release tension on the eyes and headaches. If done regularly it may even improve eyesight.

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